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€ 175,00
EAN-13: 9781912554638
K. Van der Stighelen
Portraits of Unidentified and Newly Identified Sitters Painted in Antwerp. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard XIX.3
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2021
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 175,00
DescrizioneThis book, one of four devoted to Rubens?s portraiture, contains a catalogue of all the portraits of unidentified individuals attributed by Ludwig Burchard or by the authors to Rubens and executed in Antwerp. The volume thus complements the catalogue of all the portraits of known persons painted by Rubens in Antwerp, published in the Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard as Part XIX.2 in 1987. A decade earlier the volume on the portraits painted by Rubens outside Antwerp (XIX.1) had inaugurated the series on Rubens?s portraits. In 2016, the book dealing with Portraits after Existing Prototypes (XIX.4) also appeared, so that now the cataloguing of Rubens?s entire oeuvre in the field of portraiture is complete.Not all the works discussed in the present book (XIX.3) are, however, portraits of unidentified sitters ? initially the volume?s title. Recent scholarly research has not only allowed insights into sitters previously unrecognised, but has indeed made it possible to give an identity to a number of persons portrayed in works that were not included in the second volume (XIX.2). Among these sitters are members of Rubens?s own family, as well as his contemporaries, including significant figures in the political, economic or religious life of the period.

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€ 250,00
EAN-13: 9781912554652
N. Van Hout
Study Heads. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, Part XX, 2
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2020
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 250,00
DescrizioneThis book is devoted to a remarkable aspect of Rubens?s painted production. It investigates and catalogues not only works that Ludwig Burchard (1886?1960) gathered into the category of ?Study Heads?, but also head studies by artists closely connected to Rubens?s workshop which were demonstrably used in his paintings. The existence of a stock of study heads or tronies allowed Rubens and his collaborators to exploit the same figures in many different contexts and create satisfying variety among the numerous characters involved in mythological, biblical or historical scenes. In Rubens?s work, study heads constitute an exceptional type of painting in that they were created not as autonomous works of art, but as a means to an end, an indispensable part of his artistic practice. Yet, even in this marginal category of work, Rubens achieves maximum artistic expression with an economy of means, as for example in the iconic Four Studies of the Head of an African Man in the Brussels Museum. The originals of the study heads remained together until the sale of Rubens?s possessions at his death in 1640. Over the centuries, many of Rubens?s tronies have undergone transformation. Panels featuring several heads were cut up quite early on to be sold as separate pictures on the art market, and some tronies were converted by later artists into specific characters or even genre scenes by adding extra planks of wood and giving the heads distinctive clothes and attributes. This book aims to reconstruct as far as possible the original appearance of Rubens?s tronies, aided by the evidence of copiesand technical research on the works themselves.

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€ 150,00
EAN-13: 9781912554317
V. Herremans
Architectural Sculpture
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2019
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 150,00
DescrizionePainted altarpieces form an important and familiar part of Peter Paul Rubens?s substantial oeuvre. Much less widely known is the fact that Rubens?s involvement in such commissions sometimes went beyond the paintings themselves, and that he also designed sculptural framing and decorative surrounds for his patrons. There are several examples of designs by Rubens for sepulchral monuments too.These altar surrounds and tombs belong to the category of ?architectural sculpture?, comprising the elements of the orders of architecture and their free application on the one hand, and monumental figurative or ornamental sculptural elements on the other. This was a visual language in which Rubens was especially well versed, and he drew on it not only in his paintings but also in his designs for tapestries, title-pages, book illustrations and ephemeral decorations.Rubens?s designs for architectural sculpture were more than just a natural extension of his own artistic activities: they fulfilled a need in the design practice of the sculptors and architects of the period who executed the works. Hans van Mildert, for example, regularly turned to designs by his friend Rubens. Evidence is found in both Van Mildert?s own work and that of Rubens himself of a design and workshop practice with, at its core, a collection of models that represented the intellectual capital of each of the artists concerned.The architectural sculpture that Rubens designed is also an expression and application of his personal views on art theory, which centred on the study of sculpture by painters and defined how they ought to render it in their own work. As elsewhere in his oeuvre, Rubens?s inspiration for the visual language he brought to bear in this area was frequently drawn from celebrated examples from antiquity and sixteenth-century Italy.

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€ 175,00
EAN-13: 9780905203737
N. Büttner
Genre Scenes
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2019
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 175,00
DescrizioneThis volume catalogues the paintings and drawings that Ludwig Burchard (1886?1960) gathered under the heading ?Genre Scenes? when planning his catalogue raisonné of Rubens?s oeuvre. Not that Rubens has ever been thought of as a genre painter in the conventional sense of the term. Besides, even the individual works assembled here do not accord with the customary definitions of genre painting, a category of subject-matter that was introduced relatively late in the history of art. The famous Garden of Love in the Prado, for example, with its fluttering amoretti, is more accurately described as an allegory. Even the picture in the Louvre frequently referred to as the Kermesse clearly does not reproduce an actual kermis or any other such event as witnessed by the artist, but is a fictional construct in which precisely observed details are designed to convey a message that is more symbolic than realistic in content. Yet no history of genre painting can fail to include Rubens. His pictures occupy a firm place in the relevant section of any imaginary museum of European art, whatever strictures the guides to that museum may apply. The works discussed in this volume belong to the most famous creations of the painter. They are also among the most personal of his inventions. Most of them were never sold by Rubens, but remained in his possession, a circumstance that suggests they should be viewed as a particular artistic legacy. That is not to say that they did not offer contemporaries a wide range of possible interpretations unconnected with the artist?s own life. For a historically appropriate interpretation it is essential to examine closely not only the artistic process of creation, but also the former contexts of the pictures. Establishing the most complete provenance possible not only for the primary version of a composition but for all the various copies plays an important part in this process.

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€ 275,00
EAN-13: 9781912554232
R. Baumstark
Subjects from History: The Decius Mus Series
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2019
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 275,00
DescrizioneRubens?s Decius Mus Cycle is in many ways a first. It provides the earliest example of work for the medium of tapestry, and so illustrates the artist?s approach to the challenges presented by a narrative sequence of images. The woven versions, like the corresponding set of six paintings preserved in the collection of the Prince of Liechtenstein since 1692, represent the heroic death of the Roman Consul Decius Mus, following Livy?s account of how he sacrificed himself to the gods to procure victory for Rome. Rubens stages the episodes of this dramatic story with characteristic ingenuity, producing images with a powerful visual impact and narrative force. To recreate Livy?s story with Roman authenticity, Rubens drew on a wide range of sources, including not only classical texts but the growing antiquarian literature of his age, as well as archaeological evidence that he had studied in person while in Italy. The Decius Mus Cycle thus forms Rubens?s first large-scale manifestation of the reception of antiquity. At the same time it reveals the inspiration of Italian Renaissance traditions.Begun in 1617, the Decius Mus Cycle belongs to a particularly intense and productive phase of Rubens?s career. Many altarpieces and other large-scale compositions were also realised in this period, which made the participation of an extensive workshop essential. Together with the preparatory modelli, the paintings of the Decius Mus Cycle testify to the interaction of master and assistants, providing clearer documentation than was previously available of Rubens?s creative process. Technical examination undertaken specifically for the present volume ? including full-surface analysis using X-ray and infrared reflectography ? has resolved many puzzles and will provide future researchers with a wealth of new information.

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€ 280,00
EAN-13: 9781912554119
N. Büttner
Allegories and Subjects from Literature
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2018
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 280,00
DescrizioneRubens had a profound impact on the visual culture of his age. He was admired not only as a painter but also for his learning, for the knowledge of classical literature and imagery which he exploited so brilliantly in arresting and powerful pictures. Rubens was particularly drawn to allegory, to the use of personified figures, sometimes in combination with the gods of the ancient pantheon and certain humans (historical individuals), to express concepts, ideals and even political messages. A contemporary praised him for using in his allegorical compositions ?only symbols of Antiquity, thus popularising the coins and other monuments of the ancient world', but Rubens adapted ancient symbolism to new effect, with the aim of creating pictures whose essential meaning would be the more accessible for it.This volume presents works that Ludwig Burchard (1886?1960) planned to include in his catalogue raisonné under the heading ?Allegories and Subjects from Literature?. It features some of the artist?s most celebrated paintings, as well as some lesser-known or recently discovered items. The themes range from nature?s abundance to the dangers of excess, from human love to political expediency, triumph and the celebration of religion. It includes masterpieces as diverse in tone as the Shivering Venus (Antwerp, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten) and the Horrors of War (Florence, Palazzo Pitti), memorably described by a great historian as ?the immortal and unforgettable frontispiece to the Thirty Years? War?. As well as an introduction to the subject, the catalogue provides extensive analyses of each work, revealing Rubens? literary and visual references. The circumstances surrounding the making and display of every item are investigated and considered alongside the artist?s own creative process, since knowledge of the intended context and the early viewing conditions of Rubens? works is so important to the understanding of their significance. Thus particular attention is paid to provenance, not only for the works themselves, but for the copies made after them.

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€ 175,00
EAN-13: 9781909400962
A. Merle du Bourg
The Henri IV Series
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2017
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 175,00
DescrizioneOn 26 February 1622, in Paris, Rubens entered into a contractual agreement to execute two series of paintings, ?by his own hand?, intended to decorate the two parallel galleries of the Parisian palace ? the so-called Luxembourg Palace ? of Maria de? Medici, widow of Henri IV and mother of Louis XIII. Completed in 1625, the twenty-four monumental paintings of the western gallery exalting the life of the Queen Mother form a universally admired ensemble, on display at the Musée du Louvre for the last two centuries. However, the second part of this grand project, envisioned for the eastern gallery of the palace, was abandoned in 1630. The suspension and then premature termination of the project after the Queen Mother?s exile in July 1631 have deprived us of a work that would have been unique, both in its magnitude and in the artistic means Rubens deployed to glorify the royal couple. The Galerie Henri IV, planned as a commemoration of the king?s military victories and a celebration of his triumphs ?in the manner of the triumphs of the Romans? (as the contract has it), remains a puzzle whose missing pieces are more numerous than what is preserved. Still, some fifteen works ? preparatory oil-sketches on panel and large canvases, more or less completed ? have survived. It is above all through the study of these works that this volume aims to arrive at a better understanding of the context, the iconography, and the political significance of the Galerie Henri IV. Despite the frustration (for us, as for Rubens himself) of its abandonment, the unfinished project remains an extraordinary feat of Baroque encomium, and one of the artist?s greatest masterpieces.

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€ 275,00
EAN-13: 9780905203676
E. McGrath
Mythological Subjects. Achilles to the Graces
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2016
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 275,00
DescrizioneOne remarkable feature of European culture as it developed in the Renaissance was the accommodation it made with ancient paganism. The classical gods and their legends were allegorised, transformed into symbolic figures or emblematic scenes that might accord with Christian morality. At the same time there emerged a new, secular, genre of art devoted to the depiction of the most popular myths, above all the love stories recounted by the ancient poets. These stories were not only attractive in themselves; they offered the opportunity to depict nude figures in narrative action, which the example of antiquity held forth as the highest goal for painting.Rubens was one of the greatest creators of classical allegory; he was also a supreme interpreter of the classical stories. No painter was so at home in the literature of the Greeks and Romans. When he painted for pleasure, which, increasingly in the course of his life, he felt able to do, he used pagan myth to express and celebrate themes of love, beauty and the creative forces of nature, often in wonderfully idiosyncratic ways. Still, as a Christian committed to the ideals of the Catholic Reformation, Rubens respected the restrictions generally placed on the depiction of pagan tales. Most of his mythological paintings were made for private settings, for display within houses (including his own) or in the galleries of princes, noblemen and prelates. It is a happy accident of history that so many of these splendid paintings are now widely visible in the great museums of the world.

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€ 150,00
EAN-13: 9781909400436
C. Van Mulders
Works in Collaboration: Jan Brueghel I & II
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2016
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 150,00
DescrizionePeter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the Elder were collaborating as painters as early as c. 1598, before Rubens?s stay in Italy, but the most important period of their alliance spans from 1609 to 1621. After the death of Jan Brueghel the Elder in 1625, his son Jan the Younger continued the partnership with Rubens until the latter's death in 1640. The collaborative oeuvre of Rubens and Brueghel can be roughly divided into three groups: Madonnas in garlands of flowers, interiors with allegories, and landscapes with mythological and religious themes.Following his Italian sojourn and after his appointment as court painter to the Archdukes Albert and Isabella in 1609, Rubens also developed artistic relationships with other colleagues including Paul Bril and Frans Snyders. Works in collaboration with Brueghel from this period include the beautiful Mars Disarmed by Venus (Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum), the Garden of Eden (The Hague, Mauritshuis) and the Louvre Madonna, made for Cardinal Federico Borromeo. The culmination of the two men's creative relationship is the five-part series of the Allegories of the Senses of 1617-1618 (Madrid, Prado), which lies at the heart of the present volume. The cycle depicts the Five Senses against a backdrop of princely splendour and is an extraordinary feat both artistically and in terms of its iconography. During the twenties Brueghel and Rubens co-produced multiple landscapes with history scenes, mainly in response to the demand for such works from a growing regular clientele. Diana?s Departure for the Hunt and Sleeping Diana and Nymphs (Paris, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature) are fine examples. Although Rubens maintained lifelong working partnerships with other artists, the works he produced in conjunction with Brueghel form a special group, reflecting the personal friendship that existed between the two men.

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€ 150,00
EAN-13: 9781909400580
K. Jonckheere
Portraits After Existing Prototypes
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2016
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 150,00
DescrizioneRubens was mesmerised by faces. He studied physiognomy, the pseudo-science that began making headway in the sixteenth century, which postulated that a person?s character could be read from their facial features. He made geometrical analyses of the faces of ancient emperors and heroes. He invested a great deal of time in detailed anatomical studies, sometimes based on nature, and equally often on antique busts and coins. At times it seems as though the master wanted to know and understand every nook and cranny of the human face. To this end he studied man himself and the way in which the ancients dealt with nature. His best portrait copies, thus, are not strictly copies but rather studies in which art history, craftsmanship, literature and theory merge into an emulation of art and nature. They are works in which the artist was looking for what ultimately captivated him the most: man in all of his myriad facets, and the perspectives art afforded to better understand man. 

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€ 175,00
EAN-13: 9781872501710
H. Devisscher
The Life of Christ before the Passion. The Youth of Christ - SET
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2014
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 175,00
DescrizioneThe paintings that Rubens devoted to the theme of the youth of Christ are among the most impressive and influential examples of art that expressed Roman Catholic spirituality as reasserted at the Council of Trent. The vast majority of these works are his numerous images of the Adoration of the Shepherds and the Adoration of the Magi. The oldest sources for these and other scenes from Christ's youth are of course the accounts of the Gospels, but these were usefully completed by several supplementary descriptions, more especially the Apocrypha, patristic literature, and the pious legends woven around the birth of Christ in the course of the Middle Ages. In his interpretations of the scenes from Christ's youth, Rubens built to a large extent on a pictorial tradition that had developed in the Low Countries and Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, in which mediaeval views and patterns originating from Northern Europe had merged with those of the Italian Renaissance. In Rubens's representations of scenes from Christ's youth, and especially in his many interpretations of the themes of the Adoration of the Shepherds and the Adoration of the Magi, the ideas of Counter-Reformation iconography found their most explicit embodiment in the clear Eucharistic connotations that are present in these works.

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€ 180,00
EAN-13: 9781905375417
J. Wood
Copies and Adaptations from Renaissance and later Artists: Italian Masters. Artists Working in Central Italy and France. SET
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2011
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 180,00
DescrizioneIf Josquins talent has brought all the arts to life (anonymous distich, Basilica of S. Sisto in Piacenca, 1514) indeed, if his genius is indescribable and we can be amazed at it more than we can treat it worthily (Glarean, Dodecachordon), and if he truly has opened the eyes of all those who rejoice in his art or who will rejoice in the future (Cosimo Bartoli, Ragionamenti accademici), then we can safely state that many of his compositions must be nothing less than sublime. This book presents the Proceedings of the Middelburg symposium. It contains twelve studies devoted to Josquins sacred music, secular works, and to matters of reception. Josquins compositional crafts are addressed extensively and attention is paid to e.g. his brilliant treatment of pre-existing musical material, his unparalleled skill in the quotation of chant, and his expressive use of modes and musica ficta. But concentrating on particularities of structure and style as well as on such techniques as parallel motion and stretta imitation may, as it appears, also inform us about the sublime in Josquin. Remarkably, the story of sources that gave Josquin his unequalled reputation in the history of Western music has so far never been told; this is why these sources are presented as final contribution to this volume in categories according to the nature of their texts.

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€ 150,00
EAN-13: 9781905375868
K. Brosens
Subjects from History: The Constantine Series
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2011
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 150,00
DescrizioneIn 1622, Rubens designed his second tapestry series, The Story of Constantine, for which he executed twelve oil sketches, all of which are currently preserved in public and private collections in America and Europe. Tapestries produced after the lost cartoons, which were in turn painted after the oil sketches, were woven in the tapestry factories in the faubourgs of Saint Marcel and Saint Germain in Paris. Based on new archival research and a critical examination of the literature on the Constantine series, this book firmly embeds the genesis, and iconographical and stylistic features of the set in its specific artistic, manufactural, and commercial matrix, and thus develops the first truly inclusive approach to Rubens?s Story of Constantine. Analysis of the entrepreneurial strategy of Marc Comans and François de la Planche, directors of the factory in the faubourg of Saint Marcel, the correspondence between Rubens and Peiresc, the provenance of the twelve oil sketches, and the iconographical programme reveals that the series was not commissioned by the French king Louis XIII, as has long been believed, but by Comans and de la Planche. A close reading of Rubens?s primary literary source, Caesar Baronius?s Annales Ecclesiastici, shows that the artist must have intended the twelve scenes to hang in a sequence different from the generally accepted one, though seventeenth-century buyers and viewers could have seen and interpreted the Constantine series quite differently, as their view was distorted by the jumble of Constantinian legends and motifs that had lodged in the cultural memory of Latin Christianity. Finally, the book explores the area of tension between the set?s austere monumentality and highly sophisticated aesthetic, which was rooted in Rubens?s profound knowledge of classical and Renaissance art and in his earlier forays into the free and creative application of these sources, contemporary French and Brussels tapestry sets, and the pictorial and decorative qualities, possibilities and challenges inherent in the medium itself.

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€ 180,00
EAN-13: 9781905375394
J. Wood
Copies and Adaptations from Renaissance and later Artists: Italian Masters. Raphael and his School. SET
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2010
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 180,00
Descrizione This section of the Corpus Rubenianum is concerned with Rubenss remarkable study of Italian sixteenth-century art as shown through his numerous copies and adaptations. Rubenss study of the Cinquecento lasted throughout his life and was not just the focus of his early years in Antwerp when he learned his craft. At that time he used secondary copies as models for pen drawings or as a basis for enlarged painted adaptations such as his famous version in Dresden after Michelangelos Leda. Rubenss most important full-size painted copies, however, were made as late as 1628-30 when he had travelled to Madrid and London and was in his fifties, a point when many artists would have thought they no longer needed to study. He may have made these copies because he could not buy the originals for his collection, but the act of creating such detailed visual records shows how attentive he was to the art of the past. This process culminated in his large and very free adaptations of the 1630s, now in Stockholm, after Titians Andrians and Worship of Venus which are among the most famous copies in the history of art. Rubens made relatively few drawings from paintings while in Italy between 1600 and 1608, although some survive after frescoes by Pordenone that he saw in Treviso and there are also a number that record Michelangelos paintings in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Most of the catalogue entries, however, discuss the Italian copy drawings that Rubens bought during his travels and brought home to Antwerp. It will be argued that these sheets were taken out and retouched by him throughout his career. In total, this material amounts to one of the largest collections of graphic art assembled by a late Renaissance painter, and as a result it reveals Rubenss sophisticated and complex dialogue with Italian art.  

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€ 180,00
EAN-13: 9781905375400
J. Wood
Copies and Adaptations from Renaissance and later Artists: Italian Masters. Titian and North Italian Art. SET
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2010
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 180,00
DescrizioneThe present volume is the second of three devoted to the many copies and adaptations that Rubens made from Italian art, and it is dominated by his interest in the work of artists active in Venice during the sixteenth century. Rubens, when a mature master, decided to make a number of full-size painted replicas of works by Titian that he saw on his travels to Madrid and London. Perhaps surprisingly, he made far fewer copies after the works of Titian's contemporaries, Tintoretto and Veronese, but, in addition, the volume examines his interest in the work of other masters active in North Italy at this time, notably Andrea Mantegna, Antonio da Correggio, and Girolamo Francesco Parmigianino. It is Rubens's interest in Titian, however, that has been seen as crucial for art in the Early Modern period, a topic that has attracted the attention of critics and art historians from the seventeenth century to the present day.

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€ 190,00
EAN-13: 9781905375387
K. Belkin
Copies and Adaptations from Renaissance and later Artists: German and Netherlandish Artists. SET
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2009
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 190,00
DescrizioneRubens studied his own artistic heritage. In his early youth he copied German illustrated books, such as Holbeins Dance of Death, Tobias Stimmers Bible (1576), Jost Ammans Flavius Josephus (1580) and the immensely popular Petrarch edition with woodcuts attributed to Hans Weiditz (1532). He also made drawings after engravings by Hendrick Goltzius (1596-97) and Johannes Stradanus (1589).These copies fall into Rubenss youth or the years immediately following his return to Antwerp. In later years, he occasionally copied from the paintings of his predecessors and compatriots, but he preferred to retain their compositions and designs by collecting and retouching their works.He reworked drawings by German masters such as Hans Holbein the Younger, Hans Süss von Kulmbach and several artists from the school of Dürer. Sheets of Netherlandish masters were retouched by Rubens: Cornelis Bos, Bernard van Orley, Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Michiel Coxcie, Aertgen and Lucas van Leyden, Jan Swart van Groningen and Marten van Heemskerck. He also painted copies from works by artists such as Hans Holbein, Quinten Massys, Willem Key, Joos van Cleve, Jan Vermeyen and Adam Elsheimer.Although no direct copies by Rubens after Pieter Bruegel the Elder are known, his late landscapes and genre scenes betray a profound influence from this great Flemish predecessor. He owned a number of drawings and paintings of peasant festivities with their accompanying scenes of drunkenness and brawls. It is in this category of works that we encounter all but one of the surviving Northern paintings retouched by Rubens. Among the Netherlandish paintings retouched by Rubens listed in seventeenth-century Antwerp inventories but no longer identifiable, at least one is also of a low-life subject: a Brothel Scene, possibly by Marten van Cleve.

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€ 190,00
EAN-13: 9780905203720
G. Martin
The Ceiling Decoration of the Banqueting Hall
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2006
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 190,00
Descrizione Rubenss nine paintings in the ceiling of the Banqueting Hall, in Whitehall, London, provided the main decoration of this magnificent room, which was the focal point of Stuart Court ceremonial. Commissioned by King James I and his son, the future Charles I, following the destruction of the early Jacobean Banqueting Hall, their role in enhancing court spectacle came to an end with the fire that destroyed the rest of Whitehall Palace in 1598. The delay in executing the commission was due to matters of state, in which Rubens was involved as a diplomat. His stay in London in this capacity in 1629/30 made possible the realization of this commission. Rubens would have been aware that the Stuarts owed their position to the regal union of the crowns of England and Scotland, that his royal patron had now embraced his fathers pacific policy and that he was the more determined to impose an absolute rule, which his father had eloquently expounded in speeches ad treatises. These three themes form the central core of the cycle which glorified the reign of the late king, James I. The cycle presented Rubens with a great challenge, not only because of the novelty of the subject matter, but also because of the formal problems presented by the huge scale of the work. This volume of the Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard provides the fullest review to date of the history of the commission, it also unravels the complex preparatory work and places the subject matter in the context of early Stuart political and ethical aspirations.

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€ 250,00
EAN-13: 9781872501338
H. W. Rott
Palazzi di Genova
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2002
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

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Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 250,00
Descrizione This two-volume publication explains the history of Rubens's book containing famous examples of Genoese Renaissance architecture intended to trace the development of architecture in his own country and all over Europe, analyses his comments and interpretations of the original plans and reproduces all drawings.

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€ 130,00
EAN-13: 9780905203614
J. R. Judson
The Passion of Christ
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2000
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 130,00
Descrizione This publication examines Ruben´s Passion of Christ as a transformation of diverse influences, and as a tribute to his deeply held religious beliefs and his determination to give his viewers the sense of witnessing a moment in history.

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€ 305,00
EAN-13: 9780905203621
M. Van der Meulen
Copies after the Antique
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 1994
Collana:Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 305,00
Descrizione This publication examines Rubens drawings of classical statues and reliefs, showing the early seventeenth-century condition of a sculpture; sometimes these are the only record of a work of art now lost.

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